XmlObject - Adaptive Object Model

Better Designs Faster

XmlObject Download Page

On this page you will find a link for downloading the source to the XmlObject Framework.  Building the framework will require Visual Studio 2005.  There a couple of things that you will need to do before you will be able to build.  You will of course need to download the source and unzip it.  I use WinZip to do all my zipping and unzipping.

Downloading the source

The source is located on SourceForge.  Simply click on following link and look for the download button there.

Download Source


You can unzip the source to any location you desire.

Creating a Virtual Drive

Applications that utilize sophisticated architectural patterns tend to be non-trivial.  Unfortunately, in my opinion, the tools provided by Microsoft tend to assume a trivial architecture and as a result they sometimes try to do too much.  The virtual drive is a solution that I use in all my development.  It greatly simplifies some of the more tedious details of software development with Visual Studio.  Don’t be alarmed it is really all very simple if you follow the following instructions.

To create a virtual drive run the following commands.  You can change the path to point anywhere you like, but you must use the drive letter V.

                 mkdir "C:\Program Files\XmlObject"

                 subst V: "C:\Program Files\XmlObject"


All solution references use this drive letter to resolve assembly locations.  I put the commands in a subst.cmd file that I run from my Startup Folder.  If you want to learn more, this idea was first published in the article Team Development with Visual Studio .NET and Visual SourceSafe on MSDN.

At this point you should be able to do a full rebuild of the application.  To properly debug the application you will need to run the executable in V: and not the one in the debug folder.  Visual Studio supports this by selecting the “Start external program:” option on the Debug tab of the properties dialog.   Set this path to the following.




XmlObject Graphic